RANDOM MUSINGS OF A SENILE MIND- by Rodney Vandergert Photo Source: Island ( https://island.lk/the-great-cinemas-of-colombo/#google_vignette ) “Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, but to be young was very heaven” Wordsworth: Preludes In the Nineteen Forties and early Fifties, Bambalawatte was the centre of the universe. It was where all the meaningful action took place and where the principal actors were mainly Burghers and a group of expatriates drawn from half a dozen nationalities. This was brought most forcibly to my mind after reading the recent obituaries which appeared in the local press – one to Zoe Jayatilleke by Tita Nathanielsz; the other to David Gladwin Loos , C.C.S.. by Bradman Weerakoon. The two articles made reference to a host of distantly remembered persons who figured prominently in those halcyon days, persons who were just names to me but spoken of quite frequently by, or were known to, my younger aunts like ...

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