Man catches cricket ball from 400 ft high drop to break world record By Sanj Atwal Thimothy Shanon Jebaseelan (Sri Lanka/Australia) first attempted to break the record for the highest catch of a cricket ball in 2019. However, the only thing he broke was his finger, resulting in a trip to the hospital and the record attempt being abandoned. Fast forward to 2021 and Thimothy was finally ready to dust off his wicket-keeper gloves and try again. On 19 November 2021, Thimothy donned his protective gear and took to the centre of his local cricket field.  A drone was flown high up into the sky above, carrying a cricket ball which would soon be hurtling towards him at a dangerously high speed. The stakes were high, but Thimothy didn’t let the pressure faze him.  Putting his body on the line once more, he expertly positioned himself underneath the falling ball and ...

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