The acute need to empower girls and women-by Kanthi Wijetunge Source:Dailynews At the dawn of the 21st century, enormous changes have taken place in political, legal, socio-economic, educational and cultural spheres all over the world. Because of urbanization and commercialization which has occurred at an alarming rate people now want to achieve better living standards. Today women face numerous challenges. Amidst all these changes, research today shows that women are the majority who have experienced hunger and poverty in many countries in the world. Similarly, the majority who do not receive primary education are also girls. It is also shown that maternal mortality and infant mortality increased during the last century due to early marriages of girl children. The majority who were affected by HIV/Aids were also found to be women. Achieving gender equality and empowerment of women have been recognized as the most suitable panacea for all these problems. ...

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