Maligatenna: An abode of kings- BY MAHIL WIJESINGHE   The main drip-ledged cave shrine in the lower terrace Source:Sundayobserver The main drip-ledged cave shrine in the lower terraceThe Maligatenna Raja Maha Vihara was our destination as we ventured up the rain-swept, slippery hill that nestles the bustling Gampaha city. It is a reservoir of ancient tales and demands great physical effort. But the rewards are worth it. Not far from Colombo and Gampaha, along the Colombo-Kandy highway, off Yakkala, into its interior, lies a magnificent cluster of rocky mountainous frontiers called Maligatenna, Varana, Koskandawela and Pilikuththuwa which were our destinations since our travels focus on less known and less trekked places in remote corners of the country. ...

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