Humble worker in Lord’s vineyard-By Rear Admiral Dr. Shemal Fernando PhD Source:Sundayobserver Benedict XVI canonised forty-five faithful On October 7, 2012, Benedict named the 34th and 35th individuals as Doctors of the Church. As pontiff, Benedict XVI conducted numerous Apostolic journeys across the world, travelling extensively during his first three years of papacy Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has returned to the Father’s House. The simple and solemn but sober funeral of Benedict XVI took place on January 5. Pope Benedict XVI was the head of the Catholic Church from April 19, 2005 until his resignation on February 28, 2013. His decision to resign as the 265th Chief Shepherd of the Roman Catholic Church pervaded a captivating arrangement. Two popes, past and present, traditionalist and reformist, both cloaked in white robes and invested with moral authority, coexisted on the same minuscule gardens. ...

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