Why is the Purpose of Life Inadequately Explained? By N.S.Venkataraman Men and women who think they have a purpose in life generally assume that animals, birds, and other creatures have no purpose in life. Is such an idea appropriate? Source:-slguardian.org From time immemorial, humans have wondered about the purpose of human life, as men and women are born seemingly from nowhere and then pass away to nowhere. Several saints and sages all over the world over the years have attempted to find an explanation for this vexing question. However, these deep thinkers could only suggest possible purposes for life, which often appear as assumptions. So-called purposes:Men and women in the early stages of life and in middle age generally think they have a goal and purpose in life, such as gaining a high qualification, earning money, gaining power, and reputation, and so on. However, in most cases, when men and ...

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