Kandy Esala Perahera – By Donald Gunatillake Source: Dæhæna – Monthly e-Newsletter Months of July and August are special in Sri Lanka, as many Perahe-ras or processions are held in various parts of the country. Out of all these the Kandy Esala Perahera is the most beautiful and spectacular Festival. This year too, the Perahera has been scheduled to be held from 25th of July to 3rd of August 2020. The original version of the Kandy Perahera which was known as Dalada Perahera was held at different cities as the seat of government was moved from place to place with the Tooth Relic. It was in the sixteenth century the Tooth Relic was ceremoni-ally installed in Kandy. According to the historical records, this will be the 1710th Perahera, and hence Kandy Esala Perahera is undoubtedly one of the oldest religious and cultural pag-eants held in the World. Since Prince Danta and Princess ...

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