From Grandma’s Recipes to Michelin Star Restaurants! Source:Dailynews 27th May 2022, Colombo: Shahzad Bhathena, the former head chef and R&D chef at the Indian Summer Restaurant in Colombo, is a budding global icon at just 24 years of age! Leading the team at Indian Summer is just one of his many accolades and accomplishments. Shahzad has gained experience at Michelin star restaurants in various parts of the world and is currently in Santa Monica, USA. We had a chat with Shahzad about his passion and profound journey in the culinary arts and the hospitality industry. 1.Give us a short introduction aboutyourself. I am Shahzad and I was born and raised in India. I moved to Bahrain a few years later and I started my professional career as an apprentice at The Ritz Carlton Hotel in Bahrain. I worked across multiple restaurants stationed in the hotel, cooking a variety of cuisines ...

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