Political Parties should genuinely address sovereign voter proposals at the APC – By Bernard Fernando The ‘All Party Conference’ (APC) aimed at resolving our National issue has come to a grinding halt due to the stubbornness and ‘one -upmanship’ embedded in the DNA of our traditional Political parties. However, the country loving sovereign voters are confident that the reconciliation proceedings can be catalysed by addressing the following Electoral Reforms/System changes with a ‘win-win’ outlook. 1)Allocate seats to People’s Representatives using simple Proportionate arithmetic  thereby ensuring ‘Equality of Vote’  as per UN Human Rights Declaration of 1948 and fostering ‘Sri lankan ness’ in the process. 2) Ensure Quality of Peoples’ Representatives by applying a mandatory methodology based on Meritocracy using minimum eligibility criteria and a structured interview marking system applicable to all parties across the board. 3) Abolish existing Preference Voting (‘Manape’) and Mixed Member Voting (MMV) systems together with ‘Cross-over’ ...

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