What Are the Benefits of Moringa Oleifera?-by GreenMedInfo Research Group Source:Greenmedinfo Moringa oleifera is a traditional plant celebrated for its range of health uses, from treating skin disorders to curbing disease-causing inflammation. Here’s a closer look at this plant, of which leaf extracts show the highest antioxidant activity of all its parts Moringa oleifera is a plant with benefits and therapeutic uses that have withstood the test of time and in fact have been hailed for thousands of years. Chock-full of healthy antioxidants and plant compounds, this large tree is native to North India and known by names such as drumstick tree, ben oil tree and horseradish tree. Nearly all of its parts are consumed or used for herbal medicines, particularly the leaves and pods that are a dietary staple in parts of India and Africa. There are numerous bioactive components found in moringa, including phenolic acids, flavonoids, isothiocyanates, tannins and saponins, all ...

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