Skin Defence Against Indoor and Outdoor Pollutants Healthy skin is always coveted but often challenging to achieve considering the multifaceted environmental aggressors we face. Whether in extreme or mild weather conditions, many environmental skin pollutants and harmful UV rays are unavoidable and require effective solutions. Outdoor pollutants, coupled with less-discussed indoor pollutants, contribute to generating oxidative stress in our skin. This imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in our bodies can eventually lead to cell and tissue damage, which is not easily reversible. What are indoor and outdoor skin pollutants and why shouldn’t they be ignored? Continuous exposure to heat and pollutants is a quick way of stripping moisture and leads to countless skin issues. Premature aging, dryness and dullness, dehydration, blemishes, acne, increased skin irritation and sensitivity are only a handful of the consequences. Healthy skin needs to breathe and purify itself from within, and also requires as much ...

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