Sunil de Silva: A Tribute by Nalini MacIntyre I first became acquainted with Sunil not as a former Attorney General of Sri Lanka and individual in his own right, but as the husband of Senanie a former pupil of mine, after they migrated to Australia in the early ’90s. It did not take long for him to demonstrate that he was his own person and unlike any other, with a quirky sense of humour and decided views on anything under discussion. He was also a source of sound advice to anyone in a quandary, legal or otherwise, which I personally found invaluable on more than one occasion. Sunil was an accomplished actor on stage. Before I became aware of Sunil’s histrionic talents which were inherited by both his children, Sidat and Samanti, he demonstrated his interest in drama when Samanti played a leading role in Let’s Give Them Curry. He was ...

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