Sri Lanka cricket and bringing back its past glory- Rev. Bro. Nimal Gurusinghe F.S.C. Source:Dailynews It is evident that our standard of cricket is very low. Those in authority do not know how to bring back or regain our past glory. If office bearers are constantly being changed then Sri Lanka Cricket will automatically suffer and deteriorate. What is the point of having experts in the Cricket Board if players cannot deliver the goods? It is very pathetic to see the way our players play the game. Consequently, certain issues regarding Sri Lanka Cricket need to be addressed and tackled. In this article I intend to highlight some of those issues that require immediate attention. I sincerely hope that something will happen. 1. A committees of individuals, who love both country and cricket, should be in charge of Sri Lanka Cricket. They must be free of any ‘hidden agendas’. Their ...

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