Australian Moringa Source:Moringaproducts Moringa is a Novel Food In Australia Moringa is classified as a “Novel Food” and not a “Normal Food”. The following information is to only be read as general information and not for any recommendations. If you want to look further into Moringa as a novel food and how we supply our products, please visit the important information page. What is in Moringa? Natural Moringa contains all the essential almino acids to build strong healthy bodies as well as an abundance nutrients. Here are some of the benefits that Moringa has: 92 Nutrients 46 Antioxidants 36 Anti-Inflammatory Agents 18 Almino Acids 9 Essenstial Almino Acids Immune System boost Promotes Healthy Circulation Throughout the Body Supports Normal Glucose Levels Anti-Aging Benefits Helps with Healthy Digestion Promotes a Heightened Mental Clarity Boosts Energy Levels Without the use of Caffeine Helps Balance Your Metabolism Exceptional for Skin Care Helps Provide Relief ...

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