The Saints of Nugegoda annual dinner dance – By Trevine Rodrigo The Saints of Nugegoda annual dinner dance has established itself as an important day in the calendar of Melbourne’s social events. This year was no different as the Grand on Princes reverberated to the fantastic sounds of Replay 6 and No Limit, and the immense popularity of these gifted musical set ups obviously resulted in a sold out event. Old boys and girls of St. Joseph’s and St. John’s combined once more to make it an enjoyable night for themselves and their friends. Bertie Ekanaike thanked the sellout crowd for their continued patronage of the event while recalling it’s origins with Andre Ephraums who was sadly snatched away in his prime. Bertie and Andre’s brother Jerome were given instruction that the dance was to continue immaterial of the financial benefit, by Andre, a pledge they vow to keep. Bertie ...
Apr 18, 2023
Articles, Trevine Rodrigo
Tagged Bertie Ekanaike, Jerome Ephraums, Nugegoda annual dinner dance, Old boys and girls of St. Joseph's