Sydney ushers in 2023 with a bang – By Millie Muroi and Christopher Harris Source : smh Sydney welcomed in 2023 with a spectacular display of fireworks launched from the Harbour Bridge, the Opera House, rooftops and pontoons on the harbour. People had been picking out prime positions along the waterside from Saturday morning, and aerial photographs at 6pm showed harbour vantage points were packed as crowds waited for the evening’s events. For some, including Sunita Popal and her partner Alan Espinoza from Los Angeles, seeing Sydney’s world-famous display had been a long-held ambition. “I’ve been dreaming about it for 10 years,” Popal said ahead of the fireworks. “We’re expecting the best fireworks show we have ever seen.” The first set of fireworks at 9pm was produced by Indigenous artists Carmen Glynn-Braun and Dennis Golding, who graduated from the University of NSW’s school of art and design three years ago. A ...

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