Pandikoralalage Sunil Chandra de Silva (An appreciation of a friend in two storylines) – by Rudra de Zoysa Hardly anyone called him Sunil or Chandra or Pandikoralalage at Royal. From the Principal to the peon, we just called him PSC. I was his classmate in Form 5 (well over 65 years ago) and my first story about PSC is dated 1955. I clearly recall every moment because I was sitting next to PSC. We were in the same Latin class and our regular teacher Mr. E.F.C. Pereira (EFC) was absent. Mr. Thevadasan (Theva) was acting for EFC. To test our knowledge and pass away the time Theva asked us to state the gender of some Latin names and objects. Now, for the question and why it was directed at PSC I will never know – probably Theva had some previous issues with PSC. The format is as follows: – Theva names ...
Mar 17, 2021
Tagged E.F.C. Pereira, JVP, P.S. C de Silva, Pandikoralalage at Royal, Rudra de Zoysa, Sunil Chandra de Silva