The Hospital Quandary – by Dr. Tilak S.Fernando Private organisations work more efficiently than Government ones do. The Russian Friendship Teaching Hospital in Malabe could be seen as a typical example, (before and after the Government took over). One can still, have a private consultation (from the 4thfloor) at a price. Could this impasse be due to the lackadaisical approach of the staff working on Government concerns? The writer recently accompanied a patient to a semi-Government hospital in Kotte for an operation on 21 March. The surgeon was exceptionally kind and arranged everything possible for the patient. The patient was asked to get x-rays before surgery. The patient produced the x-rays taken at a private hospital, but the doctors at the semi-Government hospital rejected them saying “All x-rays must be taken at a particular private hospital in Colombo”. So, the patient had to spend extra money to travel to Colombo, ...

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