Rev. Ebenezer Joseph wins World Methodist Peace Prize 2022 Reverend Ebenezer Joseph Source:Dailynews The World Methodist Peace Prize 2022 awarded by the World Methodist Council to people who have worked with fearless consistency and creativity for the building of peace, justice and harmony in the world has been awarded to the Grand Leader of the Sri Lanka Methodist Council, Ebenezer Joseph. This award, started in 1977, has earned the respect of nearly 800,000 Methodist devotees around the world. Since then, this peace prize has been awarded 38 times to people dedicated to peace and harmony in the world. For the sake of national, religious and ethnic harmony and mutual peace in America, Egypt, England, Zimbabwe, Korea, Ireland, Germany, Israel, South Africa, Ghana, Argentina, Sierra Leone, Brazil, Australia, Nigeria, Kenya, Bolivia, etc. The Methodist Peace Prize has been awarded to outstanding individuals as well as great men such as Nelson Mandela, ...

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