AN INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 2023 – By Charles Schokman GENEROSITY AT ITS BEST. Soccer star Sadio Mané beautifully explains his approach to sharing his exceptional wealth. Sadio Mane, a Senegalese soccer star, earns approximately $10.2 million annually. He gave the world a rude awakening after some fans were flabbergasted when they saw him carrying a cracked iPhone 11. His response was awesome: “Why would I want ten Ferraris, 20 diamond watches, and two jet planes? I starved, I worked in the fields, played barefoot, and I didn’t go to school. Now I can help people. I prefer to build schools and give poor people food or clothing. I have built schools and a stadium, provide clothes, shoes, and food for people in extreme poverty. In addition, I give 70 euros per month to all people from a very poor Senegalese region in order to contribute to ...

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