SAME-SEX-SALL’Y by Desmond Kelly “Boy marry boy? , girl marry girl? (a question) that has Australia in a whirl! What is the BEST solution in sight? Undoubtedly, it is, “A PLEBISCITE”. A plebiscite of this “same-sex” sall’y, is it a “forte’ “, or a folly? Whatever it is, let the Country decide Plebiscite?, yes!, let me be your guide. D.K. It is an important decision. It involves “people”. As a matter of fact, “People-Power” decisions in Australia are swiftly becoming more important, as it now becomes imperative for “Governments” to make up their minds, legislate, do whatever they are supposed to do in order to “keep” Australia on the top rung, as the best Country in the World, to live in. IN AUSTRALIA, HOWEVER, “Parliment”, at the moment, is becoming something of a joke.With the shortage of good television comedy programmes, watching most Parlimentary-Sessions is now thoroughly recommended if one ...

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