‘Euphoric’: Why is there a boom in sea swimming, and is it good for you?-By Jake Niall Shrinkäge swim group at Elwood Beach (from left): Holly Kent, Ross Pollard, Kendra Wright, Jamie Lingham, Amy Bennison (on shoulders), Lynn and Torben Vedelsby. CREDIT:SIMON SCHLUTER Source:Theage My first foray into lockdown swimming was in mid-May, about two months after pools shut. At the suggestion of a friend I journeyed to Williamstown Beach in suburban Melbourne to tentatively resume swimming. Clad in a tattered wetsuit while wavering waist-deep near the Willy surf club (“why am I doing this?”), I finally dived in on that Sunday morning and surprisingly completed nearly a kilometre of freestyle and intermittent breaststroke between two poles about 100 metres from shore. The cold attacked my extremities, turning hands and feet numb. But the body was otherwise fine. Or so I thought. “I feel OK,” I told my fitter, hardier friend ...

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