Sharon’s 30 years living with MPN Sharon MacIntyre was young when she diagnosed with MPN at the age of 18 but she believes her first symptoms started many years earlier, when she was at primary school. Source : leukaemia “It’s been a long road and it’s been very bumpy,” said Sharon, now 48, who lives on Brisbane’s northside and is the mother of three healthy children. “I’ve had various specialists and various trials and tried platelet apheresis and all sorts of things.” Early records show her platelet counts were elevated, at around 700 as a 10- to 12-year-old, although nothing like the 1900 that they were at the time of her diagnosis. Her red blood cell count was also high and, as a pre-teen, she had “heaps of headaches and nosebleeds” and was “constantly at the hospital for being underweight”. “My dad’s answer back then was to give me children’s chewable disprin which ...

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