The FIFA Womens Worldcup (A mini case study) . – By Prashanth Sentilkumar Source : Prashanth Sentilkumar Linkedin The history  – Before an official Women’s WorldCup endorsed  by FIFA took place,an unofficial tournament took place in Italy in 1970 comprising of 7 countries which Denmark won, followed by another tournament  in Mexico the next year in 1971, which had 6 countries taking part and again Denmark prevailed.Since then their was rapid progression  and marketing  to promote  the women’s format, however it took 20 years from the first unofficial tournament, for a FIFA endorsed Worldcup to take place. In 1991 the first offical tournament took place in China with 12 teams playing. The USA prevailed as the first champions and it was agreed that the tournament be held every four years. So far 9 tournaments have taken place out of which 4 have been won by the US, 2 by Germany ,1 ...

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