Why is it difficult to control emotions – By Jayadeva De Silva Source : Jayadeva De Silva Linkedin Emotions, the vibrant threads woven into the fabric of human existence, can at times elude our control, leaving us pondering the reasons behind this enigmatic phenomenon. In this article, we will delve into the 7 most common reasons why controlling emotions can be an arduous endeavor. 1 . Biological Wiring : Our emotional responses are deeply rooted in our biology, making them instinctual and often resistant to conscious regulation. 2 . Cognitive Influence : The intricate interplay between our thoughts and emotions can create a powerful feedback loop, where irrational beliefs or distorted thinking patterns hinder our ability to control emotional reactions. 3. Past Trauma : Emotional wounds from past experiences can linger, triggering intense emotional responses and making regulation challenging without addressing and healing the underlying trauma. 4 . Social Conditioning : ...

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