BEING MARRIED TO A THOMIAN “Thomians Hunt in Packs; Never Alone”   My journey through life with my Thomian began with this hunt. In an era when mobile phones, SMS, e-mails and Facebook were unheard of, the hunt was indeed a difficult task. Therefore, this hunt was meticulously planned out at a house located right opposite Bishop’s College (whoever designed it, bless his dear departed soul, certainly had the best interest of young Thomians in mind for it has a large balcony overlooking the grounds of Bishop’s College). Date of the Hunt: 31st October 1981 Venue: Food Fair, Bishop’s College.  To cut a long story short, my knight in his shining armour descended on the fair grounds with hispack and, at the end of the day, it was a time for rejoice for one, drowning of sorrows down Nippon Way for another, and a long sprint towards the murky waters ...

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