Winger Ajith Upawansa led CH to the league rugby title after 18 years-by Althaf Nawaz Ajith Upawansa Source:Dailynews It is very rare to find a sportsman who blossoms out at club and national level without any experience at school level. Winger. Ajith Upawansa was one of the sportsmen who took up the game of rugby without any basic knowledge at grassroot level and had never held a rugby ball until he joined a club, after which he transformed to a champion player bringing honour and fame to the country. Ajith was born in 1968 in Hunupitiya, Wattala and his father was late N. P. Dayananda a businessman and Mother Malika Peiris is a housewife. Ajith successfully completed his school career at St. Anthony’s College, Wattala. He maintained a sturdy, muscular physique from his young days and had a liking towards engaging in sports. He launched his sporting career with football ...

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