WHERE DO PRESENT DAY CRICKETERS END UP ? – What a great achievement –  The writer harks back to 56 years ago when the University cricket team led by CARYLE FELICIAN HAIG PERERA  Caryle Perera, the university captain The writer harks back to 56 years ago when the University cricket team led by CARYLE FELICIAN HAIG PERERA , a once in a lifetime captain, led them with great aplomb with DISCIPLINE and PUNCTUALITY being the magic wand or the hallmarks that made the team put to second best leading club teams and hold aloft the plum of Sri Lanka club cricket – the SARA TROPHY-. Before going on to sing the praises and describe the history of that team and the talent and deeds of each of that hit squad and the schools they played for, the writer is proud to mention that squad that will never emerge again or can even ...

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