Bernard Van Cuylenburg’s Multi-Lingual Skills in A World of Travel-by Michael Roberts   Source:Thuppahis Cam Lucadou-Wells, in eLanka, 31 March 2020, where the chosen title is “A World of Friends” The well-travelled Bernard Van Cuylenburg’s worldly interests do not only span five languages, but millennia of history. For two decades this multi linguist has volunteered as an English language tutor for migrants and new arrivals at AMES (Adult Multicultural Educational Services) in Dandenong. His students hail from as far away as Afghanistan, Vietnam, and China. Each a window to history and culture, and each a friend to Bernard. Such is his dedication that since joining AMES he studied Mandarin to better support some of his students. He says “You get more than you give due to the interaction with diverse cultures. They have so much to teach you, and I always fine tune my antenna when dealing with foreign students” ...

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