St Stephen’s Church Negombo – By Prashanth Sentilkumar Source : Prashanth Sentilkumar Linkedin After ascending to the top of the Negombo Fort, I saw a church which was about 500m towards the north, quite an old structure but beautifully painted in white. So I headed down from the mound and walked on to a carpeted road towards an open gate , walking past the gate, I came towards the garden of the Church, beautifully maintained and well pruned. The church was quite a big flat beautifully constructed gothic designed church. For some reason, it reminded me of Zimbabwean Architecture although I have never been to Zimbabwe in my life. However, when I watch cricket matches I always witness the grandstand at the Harare cricket grounds and I have a weird habit of doing internet searches of the particular country that I find interesting to check on their architecture, food and prominent places. ...

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