Taylers Tea Garden – By Ajit MutuCumsrawamy – Chapter 16 – James arrived in Colombo……

Taylors Tea Garden – by Ajit MuttuCumaraswamy


James arrived in Colombo and was immediately whisked off to meet Mr. George Stuart who was one of the owners of Loolecondere Estate as well as Narangghena and other estates. Mr. Stuart turned out to be a very friendly person but somewhat given to issues of moral upliftment and religious sentiment.

              “ I’m sorry you had to come early Mr. Taylor. But there are matters of importance that affect the health of the nation. We British need to show the world that our empire is built upon principles of moral upliftment and progress towards a better world.” he said.

              James was somewhat puzzled by the idea that tea and coffee could have something to do with moral upliftment but continued the conversation. Perhaps Mr. Stuart might be talking about the poor conditions faced by the estate workers, which would be great because he wanted to do something about it but nothing could be done due to poor coffee harvests and tea failing to grow well after two attempts at planting tea in all the estates.


              “ Yes. I agree we must be conscious of the moral implications of the tea and coffee industry.” said James, not wanting to question Mr. Stuart about what he meant by moral upliftment for the British empire in case Mr. Stuart thought badly of him for not knowing about such matters.

              “We must stop our dependence on alcoholic drinks as our beverage. I feel shamed that children drink beer as a beverage in England. It’s safer than water of course. But we must drink other beverages like coffee and tea. Tea is better than coffee because there is little caffeine.” said Mr. Stuart.

              “ Yes. Tea is what we must be drinking. It’s something I have been working on for a long time.” said James.

              “ Exactly my boy. That’s why I wanted to meet you. You have gained a reputation as a person who is good at looking after tea plantations. Your skills in looking after nurseries and growing plants are much appreciated. Lately, you have shown much enterprise in installing a watermill and a new style tea roller which we think will become the industry standard.”

“ Thank you Mr. Stuart. I am thankful to you for your kind words.” said James.

“ You have not wasted time in any way. You got down to work straight away and have not asked for leave to travel back to Scotland, even though it’s been many  years since you left Scotland. That shows how keen you are and we have taken note.” said Mr. Stuart.

“ Yes. I don’t have the time to visit home. I’m concentrating on tea making ” replied James.

“ We agree with you that two leaves and a bud is the way to go. Your insistence on this heavily selective plucking of the tea leaf has also been noted. The tea you send is highly regarded in the London tea markets. It’s fetching a very good price. We are able to make a profit on the quality teas you are producing.” said Mr. Stuart. 


              They left Colombo and went to the upcountry the next day by coach.

“ i’m very impressed by this island James. i wish i could stay for a while and enjoy the pleasant climate and scenery.” said Mr. Stuart.

“ You should stay longer Mr. Stuart. There is much to see by way of temples and caves full of paintings going back a thousand years” said James.

“ I was told about these old temples. Will we be passing any on our way to the estate?” asked Mr. Stuart.

“ Yes. We will pass some old temples. In fact we will be passing a very old temple in about one hour. It’s a place called Kelaniya. It’s near the river, the first one we will be passing.” 

“ Please tell the coachman that I would like to visit the temple. Any churches close by?” said Mr. Stuart. 

“ Yes. There is a Catholic church further down the road. The church has a school close by for Catholic students from the areas close by” said James.

                                                          *                    *                    *

                                           They arrived in Kelaniya and they could see the temple from the bridge built to cross the river. It was a large white  structure with decorative figures added to it.

              “ This is quite a big temple. Who built it? ” asked Mr. Stuart.

“ It’s been there for hundreds of years.” said James.

“ So natives are able to build such large structures without outside help?” asked Mr. Stuart.

“ Yes. It’s the same in India. I saw very large temples almost everywhere i went to.”  answered James.

“ What do they do. Makes bricks?” asked Mr. Stuart.

“ They use bricks as well  as kabbook. it’s a sort of block cut out of a soft solid earth. They also make bricks on site. Most  buildings in the coffee estates are made of bricks.” said James.

“ I say. That’s pretty good. Do they have factories for making bricks?”

“ No. The bricks are made close to the site of the building. The carpenters come to the site and build a hut for themselves and then start looking for suitable soil for making bricks. They start digging the soil and make bricks and place the bricks in the Sun to bake. When the bricks are hard they start the building work.” said James.

“And this bridge over the Kelaniya River. Who built this?” asked Mr. Stuart.

“ Oh! That is different. They only had ferries to cross the river. We built the bridges.” said James.

“ Fair enough. We can’t have brown muddy river water spoiling our coffee, can we?” asked Mr. Stuart.

“ Definitely. We need the bridge. Besides we spend days trying to cross the river when it’s flooding. During the monsoon the flooding is huge. The river spreads out for almost two hundred yards.” said James.

              The water looked muddy even though the monsoon season was not on yet.  

“These people are Singhalese are they not? Not the same people who are working in the coffee and tea estates?” asked Mr. Stuart.

“ That’s right these are Sinhalese people. The people who work in the estates are Tamils from South India.” said James.

“ I heard that some Sinhalese are travelling to Queensland to work in sugar plantations.

Did you hear about it?” asked Mr. Stuart.

“ Yes. I did hear about this. I was surprised. I did wonder why should they go all the way to Australia if they wanted to work.” said James.

“ Yes. It is a mystery. It’s not as if we have a policy of not allowing Sinhalese to work in the estates. As I understand it, the locals are not interested in working in estates.” 

“ Yes. That’s how I understand it. If they wanted to work in our estates we would have no problem with it. It’s just that nobody knocks on the door looking for work.” said James.

“ Of course we do provide accommodation for the workers, which we would not be willing to do if the workers live locally.” said Mr. Stuart.

“ Yes. We have to provide accommodation but it’s very basic. I don’t think the locals will be happy to live in such coolie lines.” said James.

“ I must also look into this coolie line because there is a movement in England about poor conditions for factory workers. It’s going to come to the colonies.” said Mr. Stuart.

“ I have been trying to ask for better accommodation for the workers. I’ve told the workers that the company will build better accommodation as soon as the coffee blight problem is solved.” said James.

              Some cattle drawn carriages passed along the bridge. 

“ These carts may not be rolling along these roads for very long.” said Mr. Stuart.

“ Why do you say that. This is the traditional way of transport in these parts of the world.” said James.

“ A mechanical way of transport has been brought out in Europe. It’s not a steam engine driving the carriage. It’s a petroleum driven engine propelling the carriage.” said Mr. Stuart.

“ I see. Is it likely to become the normal way of transport? Will it replace the steam engine?” asked James.

“ It could replace the steam engine in the long run because there is no need for railway tracks. It could become the normal way of transport. The steam engine could well be out of date and the new engine which uses petroleum could be the future form of transport.” said Mr. Stuart.

              The carriage passed the temple and the road to Kandy became a well laid gravel track with houses near the road every mile or so. The fields were green with rice growing. Tress bearing local fruit could be seen.

“ What fruit are those trees bearing?” asked Mr. Stuart.

“ Mainly mango trees. The mango is the commonest fruit tree. But the banana is the most popular fruit growing. Almost every house has a banana patch. “ said James.

              The coach moved along under the branches of tall trees which had small green leaves and red flowers. They passed several bullock carts going both ways. They had passed only one horse drawn carriage.  

“ So nobody has tried to grow apples and pears and strawberries here?” asked Mr. Stuart.

“ Some planters do grow apples and pears. Strawberries are difficult to grow. There are many local berries. In fact I counted fifty different fruits growing in the country. There are unusual fruit such woodapples which have hard exterior. These fruits are actually pods. They have a hard shell and the fruit can be eaten by cracking the shell open. They are the size of a cricket ball. Elephants eat them whole and the shell falls out along with the elephant poo. If you pick the shell up it’s whole and you think the fruit is still there. But no. The fruit inside has been digested by the elephant but the shell is intact.” said James.

“ Is that right.” said Mr. Stuart and they laughed.  

“There are other fruit which are covered in shells. One is called “belly” which has a excellent taste. Very distinctive flavour. It’s very sweet and has sticky consistency.”

“ Well I hope I will be able to taste as many of the local fruit as possible before I go. said Mr.Stuart.

“ Certainly. We can stop and buy fruit as we move along, whenever we see wayside stalls.” said James.

              The coach and horses were moving fast as the terrain was flat. There were various trees some with dark green very large leaves.

“ That tree looks like a strong one. Is it used for house building?” asked Mr. Stuart.

“ Yes. It’s a very strong tropical tree called ‘pila’. Its a kind of teak. Teak grows as well. It’s highly regarded here. But some timber is imported.”

                             There was a group of houses and they stopped to see if there was a shop.

They found a little open space where people had gathered and were selling fruit and vegetables. 

“ Ah! Great. this is my chance to get local fruit.” said Mr. Stuart. 

They got out of the carriage and inspected the the market.

“ What’s that red fruit.  Looks like like a banana” said Mr. Stuart.

“ It is a banana. But it’s red. A red banana. I’ll  buy some and you can taste it. It’s delicious . Its a banana with a very distinctive flavour” said James.

“ And what’s that. All prickly all over?” asked Mr. Stuart  

“That’s the “jak”fruit. It grows on the trunk of the tree. It weighs maybe five kilos or more sometimes. So the support provided by the trunk of the jack fruit tree is welcome.” said James.

“ And the hairy red ones over there?” said Mr. Stuart pointing to the bunch of egg shaped fruit.

“ They call it  “rambutan”. It’s a bit opaque and has a nut in the centre. It tastes delicious .” said James.

“ Let’s get that as well.” said Mr. Stuart.

“ And what’s that brown fruit?” asked Mr. Stuart

“ Thats called mangosteen. We will get some of it as well. Its got  segments inside rather like an orange but the colour of the segments is white.” said James.

              A bag made of the coconut leaf was full of fruit when they started off. Mr. Stuart started off with “rambutans”.

              “This is delicious , you are right. One could spend the whole day eating the various fruit, like a monkey I guess.” said Mr. Stuart.

“ Thats very true. We will see monkeys further up the road where the trees are more dense.” said James.

              He had hardly finished saying it, when there was “thud” sound. A group of monkeys had jumped off a tree and landed on top of the carriage. The bag with the fruit was kept on top of the carriage. 

“ What was that” screamed Mr. Stuart, jumping up from his seat.

“ That was just some monkeys jumping from a tree. They are after the fruit. Don’t worry about your safety. Monkeys don’t attack people.” said James.

The panic on Mr. Stuart’s face was plain to see.

“ Are you sure they are not attacking us?” asked Mr. Stuart.

“ Yes. It does happen now and then. Monkeys are on the lookout for food. They mostly stay on the trees. but if they see food in the house, they could raid the house to grab the food. “ said James.

The coachman stopped the coach and swung his whip at the monkeys. The monkeys jumped off but stayed close by. They had grabbed some of the fruit. Some monkeys were eating mangos.

Mr. Stuart looked out and saw the monkeys seated by the side of the road eating some of the fruit that had grabbed from the bag.

“ Yes. You are right. They have grabbed some of the fruit. They seem to be busy with eating the fruit.” he said.

“ Yes. They are roaming the countryside looking for food. Mostly they stay on the trees and sleep in the trees. But during the day, you can see them swinging from tree to tree in search of food. If you keep any food outside the house , it will be taken.” said James.

              They reached a place where the way side shops were all displaying nuts extracted from the fruit of a tree called the cashew tree. The stalls had woven baskets full of the cashew nuts. Young girls were selling the cashew nuts in the stalls.

 “ These girls are very pretty. How is it that we seem to have so many pretty girls in one place.” said Mr. Stuart.

              James thought about the question and decided to give Mr. Stuart a sample of Ceylonese hospitality. He decided to have a little bit of fun.

“ These girls are on display because they are available for a bit of fun. You know they don’t get offended if you  show that you are taken up with them. If you touch them, they don’t get offended. A quick kiss on the cheek is neither here or there. They take it as a show of appreciation of their beauty. No offence intended.” he said.  

“ Really. Are they very open to strangers?” asked Mr. Stuart.

“ Yes.They know you have no intention to force them into submission. You are simply being friendly. That is not something that causes offence in these parts. It’s different in some other areas.” said James.

“ You mean i can kiss them and they will not slap me or push me away?” asked Mr. Stuart.

“ Yes. You can. A little bit of fun is not considered rude.” said James.

“ Can I go and hug that  girl. She is so pretty. Her pink cheeks make me want to kiss them. You know what i mean.” 

“ Please buy nuts. While she is busy getting them ready and wrapping them you can give her a hug. Here’s some money. Go ahead and point to the nuts and give her the money” said James.

              Mr. Stuart went up to the girl and smiled and gave her the money and held her hand in his palms as she extended her hand to accept the money. The girl smiled, her bashfulness was clear. There were not many people around. Yet she was shy.

“ Cadju” she said with a lovely smile. Her teeth gleamed in perfect array.

“ Yes. Cashew.” replied Mr. Stuart, noting the difference in the sound of the nut’s  name.

              Mr. Stuart felt that she would have been warmer in her acceptance of his approach if she was not standing  in the shop. She placed the cashew nuts in a little basket made of coconut leaves leaves. Mr. Stuart moved towards her and gave her a hug before taking the little coconut leaf bag. She covered her face with both hands while he walked back to the coach. He looked back and saw her smiling a big smile and waving at him as he moved to the coach. He waved back.

              When he got back to the coach, there was nobody there. The coachman was standing close to what seemed like a wayside shop and moving his mouth and spitting out against a tree. But there was no sign of James. Mr. Stuart munched some cashews savouring the nuts. They were very slightly warm as if they had been just roasted. James walked out of one of the pathways and onto the road. He went to where the coachman was standing and purchased something. He walked to the carriage along with the coachman.  

              The coach started off again. James and Mr. Stuart munched some cadju nuts as the carriage moved along. 

“ The girl was quite friendly. But a little bit shy.” said Mr. Stuart.

They passed a green paddy field with the rice shoots only a few inches above the water.

A boulder stood in the middle of the paddy field. 

“ Girls here are very nice to us foreigners. Anything you do is forgiven. I used to think it was because we white people hold some power over them. But it’s simply customary being nice to strangers. We tend to be a bit rude to strangers specially if we don’t know them. But here,  it’s customary to allow a margin for strangers and permit them to behave as they normally behave which includes being fresh with women.” said James.

“ I saw you walk out from one of the paddy fields. Did you relieve yourself there?” Mr. Stuart asked.

“ Yes. You could say that. In fact there was a nice girl staying in the house alongside that paddy filed path. She smiled at me and stopped and held her, hugged her. And i said can i kiss you. Her face turned deep pink, almost red. I kissed her and she did not resist. i did not want to go any further though she seemed not to resist my advances. Just in case she was a married woman. That could be fatal. Many white men have been stabbed for being indiscrete.” said James.

“ But you had a feeling she was willing.” 

“Yes. She was willing. That’s what I like about the women here. They are always willing. Especially when it’s a foreign man. Life is not taken so seriously as we do back home.   Having fun is a large part of life.”said James.


              The carriage was slowing down as the low country was being left behind. Some boulders were beginning to appear at a distance. The sky was a pale blue with puffy clouds drifting lazily. James continued:

“ The men don’t worry about the what we white men do or say. They simply tolerate us. Which includes being fresh with their women. As long as you don’t mess around with married women. Then it’s a different story. Serious knife wounds and a few deaths have occurred. Mostly related to alcohol. They get drunk and do terrible things in revenge” said James.

“ Alcohol? What sort of alcohol ? I thought they don’t make whiskey or beer in this country.” said Mr. Stuart.

The carriage moved left and then right as it hit a rough patch on the road. The soil in the ditch was a reddish brown colour as the soil was also changing.

“ They don’t brew beer or distill whisky. But they brew alcohol made from coconut and even the palmyrah palm tree up in the north.” said James.  

“ How do you brew alcohol from coconut?” asked Mr. Stuart?

“ They use a type of yeast. The man folds his sarong tight around his waist and climbs the coconut tree and hangs a clay pot under one of the new trunks just starting to grow. It’s a new shoot on which the coconuts grow. No coconuts have grown on it as yet. He shaves the new trunk with his specially curved knife and rubs the yeast on the trunk. The trunk  starts to ooze out a type of nectar. The nectar drips into the clay pot and fills it. By afternoon the clay pot is full of the coconut  trunk juice. It’s delicious.”  said James.

“ Sounds like something I would like to try while I’m here. Pity we can’t bottle it and send it to England. The church would make sure we did no such thing.” said Mr. Stuart.

“ The clay pot fills up every morning and every evening. So the man has to hitch up his sarong tight around his waist and climb to the top with a new pot clinging from his hitched up sarong  and changes the clay pot. He climbs down with the pot full of juice, leaving the empty pot on the tree trunk to get full.  That’s the time to drink it, when it’s fresh and only slightly alcoholic. It’s a delicious taste, very slightly sweet, like some Newcastle beers.” said James. 

“ I must try some. What happens to the juice later on in the day. ?” asked Mr. Stuart.

“ It gets very strong in alcohol as the day goes by. By evening it’s almost as strong as a weak whisky. Just a big glass of it can lay you flat. But the taste is terrible, a very sour taste. I’ll try to get you some” said James.

“ Ha ha. I won’t try it in the evening. Maybe a sip just to know what it taste like.” said Mr. Stuart laughing.

“ There is also arrack,  a strong spirit made from toddy. It’s as strong as whisky.” said James.

              James had a fear that Mr. Stuart might fall ill after drinking coconut juice alcohol. He wondered whether he should warn Mr. Stuart to be careful.

“ You must make sure that the juice is fresh. It’s fresh only early in the morning when the toddy tapper comes down from the tree. By evening it’s too late. The brew is very strong and could make you ill.” said James.

“ Alright. I will be careful.” said Mr. Stuart.

              They arrived at a place with some buildings. The coach came to halt as the coachman stopped to change the horses. A new team was hitched to the coach and the climb to Kadugannawa began. The horses pulled hard as the road was steep. Both James and Mr. Stuart walked for a while to relieve the horses.

              The horses made good progress after the steep climb. The coach moved along as they approached Kandy. 

“ The plan is that we  will spend one night in Kandy and then head back to Loolecondere which is about a hour and a half. So you will have a good rest on your first day after the long coach drive from Colombo.”said James.

“ That’s fine with me. I might get to meet some of the people involved in the coffee and tea business while I’m in Kandy” said Mr. Stuart.

“ Yes. We should meet some of them in the Queens Hotel. That’s a good place to meet with the planters coming to the government offices in Kandy. They stay the night usually.” said James.

              As they passed Peradeniya , James pointed to the Peradeniya Gardens and said:

“ We will drop in here tomorrow on our way to Loolecondere. You will be interested in the excellent gardens. The botanist in charge is good friend of mine. He has helped us planters in may ways. Especially tea plants. He grew many of the tea plants in Loolecondere in Peradeniya before taking them to the tea estate.” said James 

“ I would like to meet him. I’m quite interested in plants myself. That must be reason I got involved in the industry.” said Mr. Stuart.

              They arrived in Kandy as the dusk was settling. The temple could be seen as they approached the hotel, a white dome shaped building, alongside a more normal building.


“ Thats quite an impressive building. These people are good with their building work. Must have good masons and carpenters.” said Mr. Stuart.

“ Yes. They do have good skills in building construction and carpentry. I would recommend that you visit some of the ancient monuments If you get a chance to go to travel out.” said James.

              They entered Queens Hotel. The suitcases were unloaded by the hotel staff and carried to the check in counter. They booked themselves in. James was pleased that he was able to book his favourite room, room ten, the room in which he and Daisy had spent many delightful hours. 

“ I am very pleased to come here James. This is quite cheerful and well decorated.” said Mr. Stuart.

“ Yes. Nice place. You can meet most of the planters here.’ said James.

“ And a nice beer is something I really need after our journey.” said Mr. Stuart.

              They got their beer from the bar and moved over to a table. James took a sip of beer. The pale ale was golden and the taste very pleasing.

“ I’m very impressed by this beer. Where do they make it.?” asked Mr. Stuart.

“ It’s made in a brewery about a day’s ride away from Kandy.” said James.

              His eye roved looking for known people. He spotted John Crosfield walking towards the bar. His first reaction was to get up and go somewhere to hide himself from Crosfield. But as he had no excuse except going to the toilet, he got up and said:

“ I’m going to the toilet. Be back soon.” 

He was about to move away when John Crosfield said:

“Hello. I’m John Crosfield.” and extended his arm to Mr. Stuart.

“ Nice to meet you John. I’m Arthur  Stuart . And my friend here is James Taylor.” said Mr. Stuart.

“ Nice to meet you James. Have we met before?  I’ve seen you around Kandy I think.” said John Crosfield.

              There was red hue spreading across James’s face. But he recovered and said:

“ Yes. We have met. John Stuart here is visiting from London. He is keen to take a look at our estates.” said James.

“ Yes. I’m very impressed by the quality of the tea made in this part of Ceylon. The  tea brokers in London have nothing but praise for it.” said Mr. Stuart.

“ Good to hear that. James here has been a big contributor. His methods are being followed by the other planters. “ said Arthur Stuart.

“ If prices keep up, we can plant more tea and see what can be done to improve the conditions of the tea workers.” said Mr Stuart.

“ Thats very good. The workers in James’s place are especially deserving of improved conditions. By the way I heard that Loolecondere has had some changes in staff while you were away. Just planters gossip you know.” said John Crosfield.

“ Really I didn’t expect any changes.” said James

“ Some of your domestic staff have left I was told. Nothing to get worried about.” said Crosfield.

“ Alright. Thanks for letting me know. We should be in Loolecondere by afternoon.” said James. James wondered whether any news had leaked about Daisy meeting up with him and reached John Crosfield.

“ Staff movement is unavoidable.” said Arthur Stuart.

“ You must meet some of the others Arthur. James, I’m going to take Arthur to meet some of the others.” said John Crosfield, getting up and moving forward.

              Arthur Stuart went along with John Crosfield. James downed his beer and walked towards the back of the hotel, hoping to catch a glimpse of Daisy. He was excited and wondered whether Daisy had forgotten him. Daisy could have even found a new lover. After all he himself was guilty of such a thing. More than once. He was carried away by Laksmmi in Darjeeling. Her charm and beauty overwhelming his scruples. And then the charming and attractive cook in Neil’s house, who seemed to simply enjoy having sex. Asked for nothing in return. Content with her moments of joy. And back home, groping the cashew nut girl. Such joy and all coming with no strings attached. But Daisy was different. This is a white woman he loved. And now he may face her. What should he say. Should he confess. She might ask him about whether he met any women in Darjeeling. Being a white man, he had the advantage of being allowed to step over moral boundaries. All his transgressions will be excused because he was foreigner unable to understand the rules of local society. Even the consenting woman will be excused for that reason.

              He saw her playing bridge. She must have seen him because she expressed no surprise on her face. Her quick glance and one second smile conveyed her knowledge of his presence. 

              He went back to his table. it was vacant. He sat down. There was a magazine on the table. he picked it up and scanned an article. A sentence in it attracted him:

“……There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved…”. a French lady who called herself George Sands had written the sentence. 

              James felt that she had said something very important. He felt that his life had changed when he met Thangam. He loved her. She had loved him and he was happy. Their child Samuel  was the proof that they loved each other. But then he had met Daisy. This had changed him in a different way. He felt guilty every time he met her and they made love. It was a compulsive love making. As if both could not stop themselves from holding each other and having sex. Both women made him happy in different ways. Thangam was his first sweetheart. He was so happy when she gave herself to him, in secret. She did not want her father or any other person to know about her giving herself to James. She was close to him. He could not imagine life without her. He could imagine life without Daisy. Daisy was a married woman. She had a life around her marriage to John Crosfield, even though they had no children to make it complete.

              But he could not resist himself. He had the love he cherished. Thangam was his darling, the little girl who made him feel complete. She gave herself to him. She trusted him with every strand in her soul. He could never let her down. Meeting Daisy had excited him. He even loved Daisy. It was an exciting kind of love. He may have to let it go if it came to a push. But when he laid eyes on her, he was on fire. Her bluish green eyes made him dizzy. The blood rushed to his head. He was hardly aware of his excited state in his lower body. Daisy was feeling the same. She was excited and lost track of what she was doing. He could sense her excitement even today while she sat dealing out cards. It was something he could not resist. It could be momentary. But it was real. It was something both of them could not resist.

              He walked back to his table. It was empty. He could see Arthur Stuart was enjoying himself. He could hear loud laughter coming from that direction. He ordered some sandwiches. They were always made with a selection of salads, cheeses and meats. And chips came along too. It was in fact a balanced meal. He felt full after he ate the sandwiches. He should go and join the others along with Arthur but he wanted to go to bed early. Daisy could be making a move to leave the bridge game. There was no doubt at all that she will be coming to see him, even if it was only to give the reason why she could not stop. John Crosfield was delaying his departure because Arthur Stuart was in the hotel.

              James walked away carefully avoiding the table where the group of planters were having  a conversation with Arthur Stuart. He slipped away and went into his room. He was happy he did not meet anyone. He was taking his shoes off when there was a tap on the door. It could be Arthur he thought. He opened the door and it was Daisy. She stepped in quickly and closed the door and bolted it.

              They kissed and hugged each other. He could not resist her red lips. Her tongue probed his mount and met his tongue.

              He took his cloths off while she took her dress off quickly and placed them on the chair.

She got into bed and took off her bra and panties. She closed her eyes as he entered her. She murmured something, drew a deep breath and went quiet. 

“ Have you come ?”: he asked her.

“ Yes. But go ahead. Do it yourself.: she said

              He kissed her pink cheeks and her neck as he moved gently. This was the special moment that he treasured. Her full beauty and body open to him to enjoy gently as if he was drifting in a dream. Her neck was beautifully shaped inviting his kisses. He moved down towards her breasts. Such beauty he had not dreamed of. The perfection of her breasts.

These were the moments he never could forget. When he came, it was almost an anti climax because the magic carpet that he had been floating on had come to ground. He then knew why he loved her. It was because she always took him away on her magic carpet. Every time he was with her, it was a magical, dreamy journey. It was as if he was being taken on a new tour each time he met her.

              He must have fallen asleep. He woke up when he heard a sound like a door lock clicking. She had gone. He slept soundly and woke up quite early. 

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