THE AI ART STORY – an excerpt of my creations – By Ivor Novello

THE AI ART STORY – an excerpt of my creations – By Ivor Novello

THE AI ART STORY - an excerpt of my creations - By Ivor Novello

The assertion that art created by artificial intelligence (AI) lacks the emotional depth of human-created art is a common perspective and part of ongoing debates about the role of AI in creative endeavours. Here are some points to consider:

  1. Emotional Depth in Human Art:  Human-created art often reflects the artist’s emotions, experiences, and personal interpretation of the world. The emotional depth in traditional art is tied to the artist’s subjective perspective, cultural background, and unique sensibilities.
  2. AI as a Tool:  AI, including machine learning algorithms used in art generation, lacks personal experiences, emotions, and consciousness. It operates based on patterns and data provided during training. As of now, AI is a tool that processes information and generates outputs but does not yet possess subjective experiences or emotions.
  3. Expression vs. Replication: Some argue that AI-generated art may replicate patterns and styles observed during training but may struggle to authentically express emotions. Human artists often draw from personal experiences, emotions, and intuition to create unique and emotionally resonant pieces.
  4. Subjectivity and Interpretation: The emotional impact of art is often subjective and varies from person to person. While some may feel a profound connection to human-created art, others may appreciate the novelty and creativity of AI-generated pieces.
  5. AI and Creative Collaboration: Some artists and researchers explore the potential for AI to complement human creativity rather than replace it. Collaborations between artists and AI systems can result in novel and hybrid forms of artistic expression. This is what I am trying to do.
  6. Evolution of AI Art: AI technologies continue to advance, and researchers are exploring ways to enhance AI’s creative capabilities, including understanding and representing emotions. Future developments may lead to AI systems that can simulate emotional depth more effectively. The human input (prompts to AI) will also be refined with time, which will be the case with more experience- remember AI-art is just ca. 1 year into development and will make giant strides in the near future. It’s quite possible that AI could eventually create art that rivals or even surpasses the emotional depth of human art. AI artists can collaborate with human artists, bringing together the best of both worlds. Human artists can provide AI artists with emotional guidance and feedback, while AI artists can help human artists to explore new creative possibilities.

In summary, the debate over whether AI-generated art lacks emotional depth compared to human-created art reflects differing perspectives on the nature of creativity, consciousness, and emotional expression. While AI may excel at replicating patterns and styles, the nuanced and subjective aspects of human emotion in art remain challenging for AI to fully capture- at least as of now.

Here are some additional thoughts on the issue:

  • Art is subjective, and what one person finds emotionally moving, another person may not. It is possible that AI-generated art could connect with certain individuals on an emotional level, even if it doesn’t appeal to everyone.
  • The purpose of art is not always to express emotions. Sometimes art is simply about creating beauty or exploring ideas. AI can be a valuable tool for these purposes as well.
  • Ultimately, the value of AI art will depend on how it is used and how it is received by audiences. If AI artists can create work that is both technically impressive and emotionally resonant, then AI art could become a significant force in the art world.

Carnival time

THE AI ART STORY - an excerpt of my creations - By Ivor Novello

The penance

THE AI ART STORY - an excerpt of my creations - By Ivor Novello

The dream

THE AI ART STORY - an excerpt of my creations - By Ivor Novello


THE AI ART STORY - an excerpt of my creations - By Ivor Novello

The chaperon

THE AI ART STORY - an excerpt of my creations - By Ivor Novello

Of bees and pommergranates

THE AI ART STORY - an excerpt of my creations - By Ivor Novello

The absolution of procastination

THE AI ART STORY - an excerpt of my creations - By Ivor Novello


THE AI ART STORY - an excerpt of my creations - By Ivor Novello

Indian girl

THE AI ART STORY - an excerpt of my creations - By Ivor Novello


THE AI ART STORY - an excerpt of my creations - By Ivor Novello

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