Two outstanding Thomian teachers B.D.JAYASINHA & Dr. N P Perera
He was a past student of Trinity College, Kandy. where he excelled in Mathematics, Cricket and in Hockey. His name was engraved on most of the Auditorium pillars. He entered the University of Peradeniya. where he graduated from.
Mr. Jayasinha joined the Royal Ceylon Airforce for a short while. Realizing that his vocation was for teaching, he joined Richmond College, Galle. Around the year 1958, he joined St Thomas College, Mount Lavinia. He taught at the College for 25 years.
He was an outstanding Mathematics teacher and a Cricket Coach. Mr. Jayasinha was instrumental in making Chess popular amongst schools, as he was responsible for introducing Chess to St. Thomas College. He was the House Master of Wood House. He also had a Ballroom Dancing School, where he was the instructor.
My mind goes back to 1969 when our beloved teacher Mr Jayasinha got his Wood House members to organize a farewell for a departing Warden, as the customary farewell was not organized, mainly to show respect for the office he was holding.
Mr Bernard Jayasinha molded many young Thomians to go out to the world to be useful and prominent citizens.
Those Thomians who knew him will always remember him with much affection, gratitude and great respect.
Mr. Jayasinha spent his retired life in Canada with his wife and family. Many of his past students from different parts of the world were in contact with him, till he passed away at the age of 95, a few years ago.
Dr N P Perera
Dr N P Perera was an old Thomian and a popular teacher at S. Thomas’ College, Mt Lavinia who had a rare combination of subjects Geography and Botany. Graduated from the University of Colombo. He was a House Master and Head of the faculty of Geography.
Later became a Professor in local and foreign Universities. School closed half day on the day of his wedding as most teachers and senior students were due to attend the wedding.
Left St Thomas’s College in early 60’s and joined University of Sri Jayewardenepura ( Vidyodaya University) From 1964-67 at Leeds University reading for his PhD in Ecology Returned to SJU and later appointed Head of the Department of Geography Resigned from SJU in 1975 to take up new appointment as Professor of Land Use Studies at the University of Zambia In 1982 he was recruited by FAO( Food & Agriculture Organisation of UN) Initially based in Maseru, Lesotho In 1985 transferred to Addis Ababa Ethiopia where he continued his work as a UN expert Left Ethiopia and returned to SL in 1987 Worked as a consultant at ARTI (Agrarian Research Training Institute) Wijerama Mawatha Colombo He was also a visiting lecturer at the Post graduate institute of Archaeology.
He spent his retired life in Imbulgoda, Gampaha and passed away a few years ago.