Victor Melder – Sri Lanka Independence Commemoration event in Melbourne – Award to Victor Melder For His Services to the Community and Sri Lanka in Australia.

Victor Melder – Sri Lanka Independence Commemoration event in Melbourne – Award to Victor Melder For His Services to the Community and Sri Lanka in Australia.

Victor Melder – Sri Lanka Independence Commemoration event in Melbourne - Award to Victor Melder For His Services to the Community and Sri Lanka in Australia.

At the Sri Lanka Independence Commemoration event in Melbourne, Last Sunday, 

Victor was given an award by the Consul General for his services to the Community and

Sri Lanka in Australia.

We at eLanka are so proud of your award and thank you also for the great service you do to the community!

As they we say in Australia, “Good on Ya Victor”

Victor Melder – Sri Lanka Independence Commemoration event in Melbourne - Award to Victor Melder For His Services to the Community and Sri Lanka in Australia.

Love and Blessings.

eLanka Team

Best Wishes from Gamini Dissanayake, Minister from Sri Lanka.

Gamini Dissanayake, Minister from Sri Lanka
A man is attached to many things. Attachments though leading to sorrow in the end are the living reality of life. Amongst these many attachments, the most noble are the attachments to one’s family and to one’s country. You have left Sri Lanka long ago but “she” is within you yet and every nerve and sinew  of your body, mind and soul seem to belong there. In your love for the country of your birth you seem to have no racial or religious connotations – you simply love “HER” – the pure, clear, simple, abstract and glowing Sri Lanka of our imagination and vision. You are an example of what all Sri Lankan’s should be. May you live long with your vision and may Sri Lanka evolve to deserve sons like you.

With my best Wishes.

Gamini Dissanayake, Minister from Sri Lanka.

15 February 1987.

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