Manufacturers of Pressure Relieving Heat Absorbing Water Cushions, Distributors and Exporters…Proprietor Chandana Muhandiram
No 98, Prime Minister Road, Kawudupitiya,Gampola
The owner Chandana Muhandiram had commenced this business over seventeen years ago in year 2006. Had commenced his life in the Navy from where had joined the Ceylinco group as a sales executive then had been a Marketing executive where he was an victim of the LTTE while working in the Anuradhapura district.After the LTTE attack Chandana had come to Colombo had been in the marketing business in many companies like Hemas marketing, Union Assurance -Badulla, Ceylon Services and Suppliers Maharagama, a Saudi Company AW Aujan & sons Riyadh where he excelled as a marketeer. During the time of Tsunami disaster on 26th December 2004 , he was attached to Ceylon Services and Supplies Company as a marketing executive for electricity generators. After the Tsunami catastrophe many hotels on the southern coast had been badly effected by the loss of power , hence the demand for generators was at a high ebb.It was very hard work for Chandana, the company had provided him with a self-driven car.Owing to sitting on the wheel constantly he had developed a severe pain along his vertebral column and also developed some painful ulcers on his back which were unbearable had prompted him to leave his affluent job. Chandana was compelled to go to the Badulla area seeking a remedy to his ailment.He had found this Water Cushion which offered redress to his ailment .He had met the owner and as a marketing genius had volunteered to sell them for a commission. But before long when he added the quality was inferior the owner had disagreed which made him to leave him. After some time, a friend of his knowing of his skill in marketing had suggested to start a new business of manufacturing Water Cushions which were in demand. In no time with so many orders the product had proved very valuable which is sold for a reasonable price which many could afford.
It is common for many to have pains related to the spinal cord and muscles in the rear. In such situations many adopt self-care steps that would be helpful in some less serious cases. A common remedy is to apply muscle relaxant ointments and sprays, resting the back for a while, avoid heavy physical activity for a few days, applying heat or cold compress as preferred, purchase over the counter pain relievers and endeavour to avoid jerky and painful movements. In addition spreading of pain to other adjoining regions like legs, arms,neck with a tendency of disturbances in daily activities, particularly while sleeping is causing a turmoil in the daily activities of many.
Chandana Muhandiram a young entrepreneur over a decade had invented a Pressure Relieving ,Heat Absorption “WATER CUSHION” using specifically ‘Fountain Water” to predominantly to place above the seat of a chair or car. The cushion come in many colours which the buyer could opt. This remedy of using the WATER CUSHION has been successfully used by many for years. Some have confirmed in writing that though it had been used for four years it still could be used.
This common back pain comes naturally to many who sit on chairs for long hours as their profession demands. The usage of the Water Cushion primarily prevents them of the usual pains related to the vertebral column and the rear of the body. The usage of the Water Cushion is ideally suited for many namely like: All office workers. computer operators, drivers of light and heavy vehicles, buses, tractors, constant television viewers, elders who sit for long hours relaxing, passengers in long distant trains, buses, planes, spectators watching sports events, pregnant women etc.This remedy is also suited to patients inflicted with many types of deceases ,even for pets to sleep comfortably.
The company “BLUE WATER MATTRESS” over the years have won many awards.The main award was from the Industrial Development Board in year 2023 together with the bronze award for western & ayurvedic product manufacturing sector. Also won the micro scale one star award in the central province Star Awards ceremony in year 2018 and in year 2020. Many constituents from many walks of life, company directors, medical institutions who were satisfied with the performance of the Water Mattress have sent accolades confirming the benefit they have received thanking the proprietor Chandana Muhandiram .Many such appreciation letters are attached hereto. One constituent who had been convinced, elated, and highly convinced had even quoted the product as a “MAGIC MATTRESS”. Users feels no friction while seated on it.
When the business was at the peak wife of Chandana had fallen ill and was forced to spend all his earning for her treatment. At the moment Chandana is in need of a working capital of about rupees ten lakhs.Anyone willing could join him to continue this lucrative business as the co partner. He could be contacted on WhatsApp numbers 0716821000, 0717328000 and 0777211860..E mail bluewatermattress@@gmail.com
E MAIL sthenabadu@ hotmail.com
WhatsApp 0061444533242 in Brisbane