Liverpool City Council has free programs for the whole community to enjoy, with specific events for young people, seniors and elders, check out our WHAT’S ON | Liverpool City Council – Library (nsw.gov.au), bookings are essential.
We have something for everyone in April, from school holiday activities to beat the boredom, to Salsa dance classes, to social board games to keep you mobile and your brain active, to Tech Help Tuesdays where our library staff can help with technology devices, we also have Tech Savvy Seniors classes in Spanish and Korean and one for Elders; and playgroups for babies and toddlers.
Tech Savvy Seniors & Elders
Tech Savvy Seniors: Spanish @ Carnes Hill Library | Liverpool City Council – Library (nsw.gov.au)
Tech Savvy Seniors: Korean @ Green Valley Library
| Liverpool City Council – Library (nsw.gov.au) Tech Savvy Elders @ Liverpool City Library | Liverpool City Council – Library (nsw.gov.au)
French Playgroup | Liverpool City Council – Library (nsw.gov.au)
Social Board Games | Liverpool City Council – Library (nsw.gov.au)
TechHelp Tuesday | Liverpool City Council – Library (nsw.gov.au)
Learn to Dance Salsa | Liverpool City Council – Library (nsw.gov.au)
Drop-in: Accessible Technology Space | Liverpool City Council – Library (nsw.gov.au)
Booking not required: The Accessible Technology Space is wheelchair accessible, and the librarian knows basic Auslan. Fortnightly on Fridays, from 6 January 2pm – 4pm Accessible Technology Space
Patronato ACLI Italian Pension and Life Declaration Wednesday, 01 March 2023 – Wednesday, 06 December 2023 | 9:30am – 1:30pm | Liverpool | Seniors; Multicultural
Help with your Italian Pension and Life Declaration forms. Bookings please call 9712 1894
Out and about in Liverpool in April
Most Blessed Nights Street Food Market | Liverpool City Council (nsw.gov.au)
As the sun sets and dusk ensues over Liverpool, join us on a journey to the Middle East when the Most Blessed Nights Street Food Market comes to Macquarie Mall on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 24 March to 23 April
The mall will be transformed into a bustling bazaar lined with tantalising sweet and savoury delicacies in celebration of Ramadan, Easter, Orthodox Easter and Passover. This is a sacred time for many in our community and each weekend, the heart of Liverpool will be the destination for families to gather and share in a meal together.
It will be a feast for the senses, so join us for the Most Blessed Nights Street Food Market and taste the many flavours of the Middle East and beyond on a plate.
Take advantage of our museums and arts centre
The Liverpool Regional Museum’s collection | Liverpool City Council – Library (nsw.gov.au) with over 29,000 pieces celebrating our history from 1800 to the 1970s
Liverpool Regional Museum’s collection of almost 28,000 items graphically shows how people lived, worked, socialised and even went to war for more than a century.
It ranges from an invitation sent in 1813 by Governor and Mrs Macquarie to Mrs Mary Fisk of Liverpool to a ball
commemorating the birthday of Queen Charlotte, to objects from the World War I German Concentration Camp at Liverpool, through memorabilia of the decades to Liverpool’s present day.
So much to see and do at Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre for the whole family, from our FLIGHT exhibition, exciting workshops in ceramics; Banner- Making in the sky; Zine bookmaking; fashionable history of flight attendants, natural skincare and Italian film series.
Bookings essential +61 02 8711 7123 reception@casulapowerhouse.com
FLIGHT Guided Tour and Talk | Casula Powerhouse
A collection of artists from FLIGHT will take you through the ideas and inspirations for their newly commissioned artworks. Audiences will also be guided through the exhibition by its curator Luke Létourneau.
Kids Regular Programs
Liverpool City Library often refers to ‘terms’ for the duration of our ongoing programs. Terms for 2023 align with the NSW Eastern school terms, and are as follows:
Baby Rhymetime Ages 0-2 years Join us at Baby Rhymetime as together we wiggle and shake. This fun and welcoming session, aimed at babies aged 0-2 years and their caregivers, features songs, movement and reading to encourage language development and a love of reading.
TODDLER TIME Ages 18 months – 3 years Is your child too active for our Baby Rhymetime session, but not yet ready for our Pre-school Storytime?
This engaging, weekly program introduces children to early literacy, imagination, communication and social skills. We use scarves, ribbons, songs, action rhymes and musical instruments to keep them dancing and reading along. These drop-in sessions are free and run during school terms only.
School Holiday Activities – please check each activity, bookings essential
For more information check out WHAT’S ON | Liverpool City Council – Library (nsw.gov.au),