Are smart device automated systems enhancing cultures? By Aditya Abeysinghe

Are smart device automated systems enhancing cultures?

By Aditya Abeysinghe

Aditya-AbeysingheWhat is a smart device?

A smart device is an electronic device that can connect to other devices, share data, and often control other devices. Smart devices are different from other devices as a smart device can automate most of its services. These devices can share data over a wireless network or a wired network and often have considerable computational power compared to large-scale portable electronic devices. Storage and sensors can be plugged in as required to smart devices and user interfaces can be used to control and handle services.

What is a smart device automated system?

A smart device automated system is a group of smart devices that are connected over a network to automate functions of one another. Smart devices communicate using a short-range network and may connect to the Internet to share data over a remote network. These systems may use devices of various types that provide functionalities needed for a building. A home automation system that can control devices within a house is a type of smart device automated system. 

How does a smart device automated system work?

Are smart device automated systems enhancing culturesA smart device automated system is composed of sensors, controllers, and actuators. Sensors measure measurements such as temperature, pressure and motion. These are connected to a unit which communicates with controllers. Controllers control smart devices using wireless or wired networks using either human or automated control. Actuators are devices that activate when a controller sends a signal. For example, a home automation system may consist of temperature sensors which measure temperature and then notify controllers using a Wi-Fi network. Then a controller could adjust room temperature by sending a signal to an air conditioning unit. 

Controllers used in a smart device automated system are mainly of two types. Most controllers use an application(s) installed in a device such as a mobile to read measured values from a sensor(s) and then control smart devices. The second type includes using a voice assistant to control smart devices. Most modern mobile and tablet devices contain a voice assistant that is installed with the device’s operating system. These are often used to control smart devices in a smart device automated system. For example, a simple voice command to control temperature to a voice assistant may control the cooling temperature of an air conditioner.

A change of culture

A smart device automated system enables users to control smart devices remotely over an Internet connection. This makes controlling these smart devices easy and efficient for most users. Using remote control with a mobile app, for example, a user who is away from home could turn on lights, cool a room or even open a gate before moving close to his/her house. Safety is another advantage of a smart device automated system. Sensors that can detect fire, pressure and gases can alarm a user when there are any issues inside a building. Then a user could trigger any precautions either manually or automatically to prevent any disaster. 

Most smart device automated systems also have automated controllers that can automatically control devices. These automated controllers can improve comfort for users by handling most controls of other smart devices without manual control. For example, an automated controller could automatically adjust light intensity of lights or heat of a cooker reducing energy costs. Also, automated controllers could help users by automating and managing smart devices to enhance convenience and efficiency for users.


Most smart device automated systems are costly to maintain due to extra smart devices and controllers required to control the system. Also, costs due to wireless networks is high due to constant connectivity of devices in the system. Another issue is that if an issue occurs with these wireless networks then the whole system could be unavailable. Therefore, smart device automated systems could not be an all-time culture change for most users.

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