“BALLAD OF MARY-ROSE” – by Des Kelly

“BALLAD OF MARY-ROSE” – by Des Kelly


Again, something entirely different,

for the total listening pleasure, (hopefully), of e’Lanka Members

all around the World, from my own

repertoire of nearly ninety Original Compositions of Lyrics and Music, 

I am pleased to present this song, 

self-backed on my Technic K/board

sung as presented by our Website, especially for you, in Country style.

As the Editor of e’Lanka, I have also

edited the lyrics of a few songs & this is one of them. A minor yet most important one, according to a close member of my ‘Clan’ and

what’s more, she is quite right. 

Without any further ado, please listen to my song, heed the lyrics & you won’t go wrong, I promise.

The ‘edited’ lyrics are included for ‘sing-along’ purposes only, so here we go, and if you can sing, please do.

I’m goanna tell you, a little story,

 I just want you to to listen close,

It’s all about a nice young fella,

and his girl, named Mary Rose.

He loved her, yes, he loved her,

she was to be his blushing bride,  he could hardly wait,

till she was by his side.

He built his castles,

high up in the air,

but when they tumbled,

it was more than he could bear,

she told him that she loved him,

yet, she knew this was untrue,

for all her kisses were divided,

between him, & someone new,

she tried to keep it all a secret,

didn’t know that walls had ears,

but, when he found out,

it was far too late for tears.

He knew right then

that she had been unfair,

his whole heart was torn out,

he just didn’t care,

he told her, he was sorry,

that it had to end this way,

he shot her, 

then he shot himself, that day.

Now, here’s the moral to my story,

and it only goes to show,

never trust a cheating partner,

wherever you may go, 

& before you make a wrong move,

get advice from one who knows,

learn a lesson, 

from the tale of Mary Rose,

Just learn a lesson,


MUSIC & LYRICS by Desmond Kelly

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