Dr harold Gunatillake

Whole Body Vibration – how does it benefit you? By Dr Harold Gunatillake There are whole body vibrators (WBV), foot and other area vibrators in the super-markets and sports shops. The foot vibrator is touted for better circulation of the feet and legs, especially for those who suffer from peripheral swelling (oedema) from poor circulation.   Could such rigorous vibrations from a foot machine improve and fast move one’s circulation of the lower extremities? Push and force of the blood circulation in the lower extremities should originate more centrally (Visa tergo effect) and the heart (left ventricle) is most efficient in performing that pumping function. Okay, let’s take for granted that the peripheral arteries are narrowed as in atherosclerosis or thickening of blood vessels with plaque blockage in the vessels. Will vibration of the foot and lower limbs improve the circulation in such a situation- obviously the answer is no. ...

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Physiological constipation Written by Dr Harold Gunatillake – Health writer Moments of irregular constipation causing blockage are common among healthy people at one time or another and is not considered serious. When constipation becomes regular, more persistent and progressive, then one has to take serious note of and get investigated. Endoscopy and barium studies including blood tests are done preliminarily to find out whether some pathological event is happening within the gut. Sometimes, you may visit the toilet and have a very hard motion like little hard balls and needs to strain a lot to evacuate. This situation by definition is also considered as constipation, requiring attention. ...

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Chicken Biryani with Cucumber Raita by Health article written by Dr Harold Gunatillake In this preparation- biryani consists of curried meat, poultry, fish or vegetables combined with basmati rice to make a complete meal. Here chicken curry is layered with the rice and baked, then served with a fresh cucumber raita. Source: Cook Smart for a Healthy Heart, Reader’s Digest Canada ...

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Include Mushrooms in your daily meals By Dr Harold Gunatillake-Health writer Chinese and Japanese eat lots of varieties of Mushroom. Some Sri Lankans in Sri Lanka believe they are poisonous. You still could buy the button variety grown locally in the super-markets and other market places. They need to be thoroughly washed before use, as the market ones look dirty. Mushrooms grow from the soil and further reason to clean them before cooking. They require careful cleaning to remove dirt, mould and bacteria from their outer surface. Light scrubbing, and minimal amount of rinsing is all that is required. Rinsing can be done after major chopping or slicing to expose more surface area for cleaning. It is a good idea to pat to rinse cut or wrap mushrooms with a paper towel. You must take care not to smash them in the process of cleaning. ...

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Look after your kidneys By Dr Harold Gunatillake FRCS, FICS, FIACS, AM (Sing), MB BS – Health writer The two kidneys you have are so valuable for your health and survival. You tend to think of safeguarding your heart by reducing the risk factors that can give you heart disease, such as control of cholesterol numbers in your blood among other precautions. Do you ever  think of the risk factors that harm your kidneys? ...

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Foods that you like to reduce blood cholesterol By Dr harold Gunatillake –Health writer Low fat and low sugar diets are recommended to keep your blood cholesterol number within the normal range. But there are yummy delicious foods you can incorporate into your everyday meals to bring down your cholesterol numbers.   Dark chocolates contain flavonoids, antioxidants that help to lower your bad cholesterol. It is dark unsweetened chocolate please, not the milky ones with yummy taste. You could also enjoy an unsweetened cocoa beverage using the powder. ...

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What are Inflammatory Diets? By Dr Harold Gunatillake FRCS, FICS, FIACS, AM (Sing), MB,BS-Health writer In Sri Lanka when our parents took us to the aurvedic physician for minor ailments, when asked what food should be given, you hear the words “heaty foods”(Giniham kama) and “cooling foods”(Seethala kama), and the physician would rattle off some vegetables to be eaten as cooling foods and meat as a heaty food. Western qualified doctors’ then did not believe it. ...

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Heart healthy Diet in a nut-shell Written by Dr Harold Gunatillake-health writer This Mantra should be registered in your memory – both partners preparing daily foods for them. Forget the diet fads around and learn the basics- you’ll not go wrong.   The bottom line of a heart healthy diet is one that’s high in fruits (diabetics should restrict), dark vegetables (green leafy), whole grains (unprocessed rice and wheat products), legumes (lentils), and include less than a handful of nuts daily. The diet may include limited amounts of lean meat, fish twice a week, low-fat and non-fat dairy products, monounsaturated oils like olive oil and polyunsaturated oils of omega-3 types like canola, and flaxseed oil, and saturated virgin coconut oil (disputed) for cooking. Limit using polyunsaturated omega-6 type of oils like vegetable and corn oils for cooking, saturated (butter) and trans-fat (margarine), less added salt, and sugars other than the natural, and ...

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