It’s that time of the Year – Once again.- By Noor Rahim

It’s that time of the Year – Once again.- By Noor Rahim


NOOR R. RAHIMOnset of the Festive Season.

The flowers are all but gone and the trees have shed all their leaves. How one misses the various types of Birds, Bees and Butterflies that foraged for food in the previous days. Only the few bushy-tailed squirrels that scamper hither and thither on the grounds; picking up the nuts and every morsel of food they can gather for their hibernation; are currently visible.

The daylight hours keep getting shorter by the day; and along comes the drop in temperature too. The ardent connoisseur of a “White Christmas” will no doubt await the snows; that they pray will complete their Christmas.

To offset this change of weather and its’ temporary change of environmental setbacks comes that “Spiritual Change” in atmosphere. You feel the onset of the Festive Season in its immediate wake; although most of the populace would prefer a rather “mild weather” pattern to be in the offing, during this season. But whatever the weather we can hear the wafting of those wonderful ”Christmas Songs/Carols” in the air, that are so soothing and so meaningfully sung; that one cannot help but get into the swing of the Season. The season that heralds the Birth of Christ. A time to rejoice the Birth of a Great Leader of Mankind; whose message of “Peace on Earth; Goodwill to Mankind” will be symbolic at the “Pealing of the Church Bells”; in the Churches the World all over, on Christmas Eve. Through all the Commercial hype that are abundant during this time; one should really remember the main purpose of the veneration of Christ the Saviour. In addition it also gives you an occasion to openly display and convey the pent up love, prayers and good wishes that you have built up through the year to family, friends, acquaintances, subordinates and others; during this auspicious period. It is also a time to forgive and forget your differences with others. Finally we should not forget those who have left this mortal World and deserve to be remembered and prayed for; during this great Season of Festivities. There are also the needy and helpless that need to be thought of and cared for, if possible; when one rejoices with gay abandon. For they are the unfortunate – some through misfortune beyond their control and yet some perhaps through their own folly. But still the “milk of human kindness” in humans must prevail; in keeping with the teachings of the Great One.


Fate of the Majestic “Evergreens”.

The change in seasons is one that we humans are subject to; and adapt ourselves accordingly to the diurnal changes of the weather. Enjoying the metamorphoses of Natures’ gift of the vegetation and creatures that return to their natural habitats. Out of this stands out that majestic tree – the coniferous/pines/cedars etc. that remain “evergreen” day in and day out and through thick and thin, regardless of the season; and when all other trees have shed their green foliage. Undaunted they stand in uniformity to each other – except for their heights and size. Assisting in the conversion of the carbon dioxide into oxygen; and warding off the high winds that may prevail – but forever remaining green. How wonderful they look during the festive winter with snow dripping from the end of their branches and glistening with the rays of sunlight that lights them up to give a magnificent “chandelier look”. A kaleidoscopic sight that gladdens the heart with visual satisfaction. Truly a magnificent display of Mother Natures’ gift to us humans; and the given asset to the environment.

But lo and behold; they hear the buzzing of the saws – electric or power operated; and or the chop chopping of the axeman’s axe. Yes! The Axeman cometh; much to the chagrin of the trees and lovers of the environment. The tree that took at least a decade to grow is felled in a matter of minutes. Just to adorn the family room of a home for a few days or more; and end up as garbage on the roadside. What a travesty. An ego satisfied with the destruction of Natures’ life-giving and eye pleasing gift. Just imagine how long it would have taken for that 52 foot pine to grow to its’ magnificent height? – Only to adorn a public or private property to become the “toast of the season”. What a shame! What a pity it has to be like that! Couldn’t it have been better if they planted an “evergreen” on their lawns or at a public square and adorned it with all the ornaments/baubles and coloured lights instead?


Thus Dear Reader, these are the two sides of the coin of a Festive Season. But this must in no way spoil the spirit, camaraderie and veneration that goes with it; during this most auspicious season of thanks giving, prayers and displaying of ones’ love for each other. May the Blessing of the Good Lord pervade and prevail over all of you. May you also be reminded of the conservation of the environment that is so beneficial and a necessity to human beings; in a World that is facing disastrous environmental changes.

Noor Rahim                                                                            

November 20, 2015.

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