“KING CHARLES lll” – by Des Kelly

“KING CHARLES lll” – by Des Kelly

KING CHARLES lll | Elanka

So now, after 70 years and the longest ‘Reign’ in history of the late, great, Majesty, Queen Elizabeth ll, 

e’Lanka is proud to proclaim our new King Charles lll, with the hope that he will carry out his Royal duties, as his Mother would want him to. If ever the British Royal Family needed an expert tutor, there she was!. Queen Elizabeth ll was indeed a walking enclyopedia 

on all matters Royal. She was, without a doubt, the greatest ruling Monarch in history, following the also great Queen Victoria, Empress of India and the Commonwealth of that particular era.

I have always been very interested in British History, having owned and read several books on the subject.

Like everything in life, there are the good and the bad, to consider. Where England has boasted some Excellent Kings & Queens, there have also been a few that I would not waste my time, writing about.

Queen Elizabeth ll was one of the foremost of the former, an example of who a GOOD QUEEN should be.

Getting back to King Charles lll, my own opinion is that, being his Mother’s Son, he will make a good Monarch, even if it is for a much shorter period, after all, he IS now 73 years old. Be that as it may, will he be fit enough to rule AFTER all he has to go through simply to be proclaimed ‘King’ of the road, by all and sundry?. Proclomations, Acclamations, Felicitations, etcetera etcetera, where does it all stop ??. I have to watch all this ‘Breaking News’ on Channel 2, in Melbourne, and I AM GETTING TIRED !!!. 

With the passing of time, I do feel  that ‘Successions’ of Royal British Families WILL have to be more brief overall. After all, they say that

‘too much of anything is good for nothing’. POMP & PAGENTRY in Britain has always been foremost in their minds, when it comes to ‘Occasions’ such as these, BUT are they taking it all a bit TOO FAR ???, 

Sure, let’s have some “CEREMONY” in the announcement of a new Ruler (King or Queen), but, to make a long story short, KING CHARLES lll would now be feeling thoroughly exhausted with all this ‘Protocol” he has to endure, before he really gets down, to his job at Buckingham Palace. I feel that after THREE WEEKS of running here, there, and everywhere, King Charles lll will need at least two weeks on holiday before he starts signing documents

being brought to him daily, in that red box. “LONG LIVE THE KING”.



Desmond Kelly.

(Editor-in-Chief) e’Lanka.

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