Little or Forgotten Saviours of the Motherland. – By Noor R. Rahim

Little or Forgotten Saviours of the Motherland. – By Noor R. Rahim

Little or Forgotten Saviours of the Motherland. - By Noor R. Rahim


Little has been said or highlighted by the Nation

Of the small contingents of the 3 Armed Services & the Police

And their gallant and noble services to their Motherland

When the mislead youth staged an insurrection in April ‘71


Spearheaded by a strong willed Lady PM who faced it all alone

She stood her ground lone-handed & faced the crisis with determination

Behind her stood the troops armed with weapons of WW 1 & 2 vintage

And fought off the insurgents with sheer guts & glory define


The policies of the insurgents were in accord with Che Guerra doctrine

Closely followed by the infamous “Pol Pot” methods of decimation

A group that attacked a day earlier than the master plan

Led to the awakening of the Forces & Government


The insurgency was crushed in next to no time

The Nation sighed a breath of relief from the disastrous situation

The Noble PM accepted the victory and remained unsung

Neither did she openly praise the victorious troops for their contribution


Acknowledgement of the feat of the Services received her gratitude and recognition

Nothing to commemorate the victory ever received public high-light or acclaim

For she quite rightly said we killed our own youth for our independence

So! The heroes of the 3 Services & Police will be forever hidden


The attached poem is to perpetuate & venerate those who gave of their best & those who never returned. Please pay due homage to them – won’t you?

To the  Great Guys who served through the Insurgency.- By Noor R. Rahim    

Dem were d’days that no one can tear asunder

It was dem or us or you could go under

Armed with a .38 or Sten with no thunder

Always wondering where the shot went yonder


Alas! We are able to reminisce and ponder

We are still alive and kicking is a wonder

So! Fret no more dear Friends; as we grow older

For we shall remain friends for now and forever


Reminiscing of the past so clear and remaining wiser

Telling the tales to any interested listener

Stay well my Friends and keep the communications going

As, us vintage types keep the good old flag aloft and flying.


Noor R. Rahim                           

14th July 2013

*A tribute to those who fought through the 1971 Insurgency (Sri Lanka).

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