“MUSHROOMS” by Desmond Kelly ‘the Star of eLanka’


by Desmond Kelly ‘the Star of eLanka’

Mushrooms have been used for thousands of years, both as a food, and for medicinal purposes.They are often classified as a vegetable or a herb, but they are actually “fungi”. While there are about 14000 mushroom species, only about 3000 are edible, about 700 have known medicinal properties & fewer than 1% are recognized as poisonous.

Many people enjoy going into woods to pick their own mushrooms. However, identifying mushrooms can be a real challenge. The colour, shape & size of the “fruiting body” can vary tremendously. It is very important indeed to identify the species of mushroom picked in order to avoid being poisoned and having to depart from this wonderful Planet to go wherever you are going. For most people, there are no prizes on offer,for guessing as to where that will be.! The great Pharoahs prized mushrooms as a delicacy, the Greeks believed that they provided strength for warriors in battle,the Romans saw mushrooms as a gift from God and served them only on festive occasions, while the Chinese treasured them as a “health-food”(only the non-poisonous ones, though).

This writer has a personal dislike for a certain fungus which is not a fungus at all, but an Australian Recording Company calling itself “Mushroom”. About 6 months ago, I personally e’mailed the “Managers” of a certain “Country-Singer” who,I thought was a very good entertainer, to see if he would be interested in some exceptionally good Country songs written by “you know who”, & even after 6 months, not even an acknowledgement from them . I got the correct email address & everything.! Maybe, I should have sent a letter by “Snail-mail” to “Ship-Creek road in Wogga Wogga”.(that is one of the few t.v.ads I do enjoy).

Anyway, here’s one mushroom species I would not use now, under any circumstances. They are “up the creek without a paddle”.Here, is where I feel, Mr.Trump’s America differs from Mr.Turnbull’s Australia. In America you will either get a “yeah or naw” for a product offered, immediately. . In Australia, no bloody decision, no comment, no answer nor even an acknowledgement. We have to “pull our fingers out”, Mr. Turnbull. Businesses should be businesslike.

Now, getting back to my reason for this article. We must not “bungle our fungal”. In vogue with fashionable vegetarians, a booming industry in Sri Lanka, from it’s hallucegenic qualities to ir’s renowned nutritional value, MUSHROOMS ARE A WONDER.

Today, mushrooms are enjoyed for their flavour & texture. They can impart their own flavour to food or take on the flavour of other ingredients. Their flavour often intensifies with cooking and their texture holds up well to usual mixing of Sri Lankan cooking. As I always say, I am a very good cook. I can even cook rice in a rice-boiler, cop that.!


Desmond Kelly.
Star of eLanka.

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