Our House was blessed and sanctified. – By Dr harold Gunatillake

Our House was blessed and sanctified. – By Dr harold Gunatillake


Website: www.Doctorharold.com

House blessings date back to the early days of Christianity, and in Christianity, the rite takes the form of a prayer, with intercessions and several benedictions. Blessed salt and incense may also be used.

In the Bible, God blessed the houses of His servants for His purposes and glory (Genesis 39:5; Ezekiel 44;30). There is nothing that indicates that a ritual preceded the blessing. God simply blessed His people were following in obedience to Him.

Christians bless their homes because God comes to meet them there. In its official blessings for homes, the Church recalls that Jesus spent much of his ministry sharing a meal with people in their homes. For centuries, many different cultures have done something strikingly similar to their dwellings: they bless their homes. In the first Century A.D., some early Christians believed sanctifying their homes would ward off evil spirits. https://youtu.be/l8V5Tzjofus Website: www.Doctorharold.com Not to be confused with the more popular trend of housewarming parties, house blessings usually involve spiritual aspects. If you’re going to invest thousands of dollars (maybe even millions) in the roof over your family’s head, why not take a few minutes to perform a ritual that could result in serious peace of mind?

Our home was built 3 years ago in Kandy, but due to Covid endemic, we postponed our occupation till January this year. Irangani being an Anglican was keen to get blessed in our new home, by the Archbishop of Kandy.

We coincided the date with our wedding anniversary day, that is the 1st of May. Let us now all join and share the blessing of our home by Archdeacon Melder from St Pauls Church, Kandy.

Lord Bless Our Home

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