“PIECES OF PEACE” by Des Kelly

“PIECES OF PEACE” by Des Kelly


Seems a shame, but I told you so. Two weeks ago, North Korea & South Korea were “talking peace”, hugging & kissing each other, putting up with halitosis. Now, they are “happy & lighthearted, back to where they started, back in the “war-zone” again. The plump little “Rocket-man” states that the deal is off. For the moment, South Korea & the U,S.A. are carrying out “military-games” planned many moons ago, & neither plans to “defer” these games because Kim wants to “swim” & body-surf in the area & may well get a “torpedo” up his anus. What a sight that would be!!.

The South Korean Leader does not say very much, but I get the feeling that he does not trust Jong & thinks Jong does not belong at any peace-negotiation, or even thru ANY door at Singapore. Need I say more ?.

Mr.Trump, the media tells us, is disappointed about the “Peace-Prize” he was going to get. He “tweets” that it now does not seem possible for peace-talks to take place, without Un’s unhappy face (just) visible over the edge of the “problems” table. He has enough of “Stormy” problems at home, anyway. He has “come to peace” with the fact that, to “hush” her up, during his election campaign, he had to pay her a substantial sum of money, donated via his lawyers.

It seems that while he “spoke” about grabbing pussies, he could not keep his own cocky in place. For everyone reading this, with a “dirty” mind, let me tell you that I was talking about a real Aussie cockatoo in an aviary at the White-house that was rather clever in letting himself out whenever he felt like it. He could not fly away of course, only because his wings were clipped. They are extremely “untidy” birds. Food, twigs, pieces of fruit, everywhere, just like “Stormy’s place”, but only because there was a cockatoo in there, as well.

Now, before I get into any trouble myself, let me put it this way. To avoid “Pieces of Peace”, denuclearization MUST be followed in every Country in the World. You need not be Einstein to know this. We already have several meteors out there, that could destroy this “little blue ball” in two seconds flat. What do we need nuclear weapons for ?.

Many people love to play “War-games”. As long as these “games” do not hurt or kill anyone, go ahead. If Countries wish to brag about their Armed Forces and want to show them off, go ahead. Oceans & Seas do NOT belong to anyone. China should realize this.

As Elaine Bennett of Seinfeld. once said. “Wars, what are they good for ?”. ABSOBLOODYLUTELY NOTHING.

desmond kelly

Desmond Kelly

Star of eLanka


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