Presidential Election and Bankruptcy demand System changes to Political Admin. Structure (PAS) – By Bernard Fernando

Presidential Election and Bankruptcy demand System changes to Political Admin. Structure (PAS) – By Bernard Fernando

Hold General and Local Govt. Elections on the same day after legalising critical system changes – by Bernard Fernando,

It is patently clear that over the last 75 years, the valuable votes of the voter majority who became gullible and helpless due to abject poverty, were virtually plundered  by power hungry political party leaders holding out hackneyed Election manifestoes replete with false and fairy tale promises and  their corrupt, mediocre political stooges, offering bribes in the form of ‘goodies’ and what -nots with ill-gotten money. Some others who were politically docile (Inter alia due to complexity and inherent defects of the Electoral system) either abstained from voting or got their votes rejected. (Valid Votes at 2020 Election were 71.32% of registered voters).This continuing debased political climate  allowed corrupt and mediocre Politicians to rule the roost in the Parliament for  long periods in history blocking the doors to capable ‘Country- first Political Professionals’ and preventing due representation of such women and youth at grass root level.

The miserable failure of our Electoral system to genuinely and objectively address the aforesaid Primary and secondary concerns of the voters especially the Youth and the New generation, despite objective proposals/ ‘System changes’ by some stake holders, finally dumped the country to the  deep abyss of ‘Bankruptcy’ after 74 years of Independence. This devastating Economic and financial ‘Black Mark’ was desperately upstaged by the ‘New generation Peaceful Youth Aragalaya’ at the Galle Face in 2022 with slogans ‘Gota go home’ (Abolish Executive Presidency) and ‘Ditch the 225’ (Change Electoral system to Ensure entry of Country first political professionals).

It is logical to start ‘system changes’ with the PAS as it is the Electoral system that has to ensure election of most suitable persons to occupy the seats in the PAS through genuine, free and fair elections in a representative Democracy. With the Presidential Election becoming due in a few months, it has become necessary to legalise specific system changes triggered by Bankruptcy, ‘Aragalaya’ and the long standing demands of the civil society to rationalize our Decentralised PAS.

The writer’s detailed methodology to realise them and the benefits thereto have been published in the press from time to time. To avoid space constraints, the relevant updated ‘System changes’ and benefits are summarized below.

1) Abolition of Executive Presidency

 Option-1 : Abolish Executive Presidency from a specified date through a   Referendum and elect a ‘Hybrid Governor General’ (HGG)from 3 to 5 candidates proposed by the Constitutional Council, with the vote of MPs and PC members. Apart from being the Commander- in- chief of the Country with other ceremonial powers, He/She will have additional powers to appoint Provincial Governors and through them ensure timely execution of Parliament approved Acts, Laws, Budgets and ensuring time-lined implementation of the Govt.’s Action plan as per its Election Manifesto while reporting to the Parliament.

Note: In this event, it will become necessary to hold Parliament and PC elections, to enable Parliament and PC members to vote for electing the HGG. Since the date for abolition of Executive Presidency has to be specified in the Referendum such Referendum too shall  be held along with the General and PC Elections on a single day.  

 Benefits: i. The much despised Executive Presidency, the abolition of which became the main pledge of all political parties for 30 years becomes a reality.

  1. The Parliament becomes the sole supreme body with HGG playing a role as the ‘Executioner’ of Parliament approved Acts, Laws, Budgets and time-lined programmes listed in the Election manifesto of the Govt. without red tape and reporting to the Parliament.

iii. The High cost of Presidential Elections will not be a burden any more to the Tax-Payers.

Option-2: Make ‘Executive President’ a ‘Non-partisan Statesman’ sans dictatorial powers subject to Judicial review, calling applications  only from ‘Independent’ Candidates, conforming to a robust set of eligibility criteria  to be laid down under the respective Act.

Benefits: i. An ‘Independent’ Executive President, will strengthen the proper functioning of the ‘3 Pillars’.

  1. Since article 94 of the Constitution provides for the 2nd and 3rd preference in the current ballot paper, it will be more meaningful and comfortable for the voter to select an alternate candidate among ‘Independents’.

2nd and 3rd preference votes will be counted in favour of  the 02 highest vote receiving candidates  who have failed to obtain more than 50% of the total valid votes.

Option- 3 : If  Option -2  fails, the ‘Hobsons  choice’  would be to support the most suitable candidate who has nothing to lose under the existing system, and who independently vouches through his/her Election manifesto to overcome political pressure from selfish traditional Party politicians and legalise and effect the following  ‘New generation-System  changes’ within 01 year of his/ her appointment which is the most effective period for any leader as accepted worldwide.

  1. i) Holding the due General and PC elections and the Referendum for abolition of Executive Presidency on a single day, immediately after legalising ,
  2. a) Equality of vote and election of ‘Country first Political Professionals’ as Peoples Representatives on District/Electorate merit basis,
  3. b) Women and Youth Representation(20% each) at Parliament and PCs- (Methodology is available ),
  4. c) Submission of Prosecutable,Monitorable, Genuine Party Election Manifestoes with a time-lined Action plan for 5 years,
  5. d) Registration of Political parties by stipulating stringent eligibility and high cash- deposit requirements to discourage registration of ‘Mushroom’ decoy Parties and
  6. e) Abolishing long overdue ‘Cross over’ mockery.

  1. ii) Abolition of Executive Presidency within 2 years leading to election of a ‘Hybrid Governor General'(HGG) with the vote of MPs and PC members as stated above.

iii)Passage of other ‘New generation-  system changes’ involving Political administration structure as stated below.

  1. a) Installation of a sustainable National Cabinet, by applying National vote % to allocate the Cabinet seats so that smaller parties too will be represented in the Cabinet reinforcing efforts to foster National unity through ‘Sri Lankan ness’.
  2. b) Strengthening PCs( If necessary with additional powers) and rationalizing the role of MPs, so that PC members at  the periphery will receive due recognition while the productivity of the MPs will increase.

 c). Depoliticisation of LG Elections. With the advent of proposed  ‘Jana Sabhas’ at Grama Niladhari Division level it will enable the local people to receive more intensive, meaningful, unbiased and un- corrupt service. (Methodology is available).  


If the sovereign voters decide to obtain the services of a short term Executive President who will genuinely deliver the aforesaid Manifesto achieving the expectations of our Youth and the new generation within a maximum period of 2 years, it would surely result in a change of our Political, media and peoples culture and provide a strong vehicle for the country to move forward with the rapidly changing global advancements.

Towards such end, it is imperative that ‘Mass media’ as the principal  facilitators of Change and Country’s development efforts, shift the focus of their Prime time news/ Headlines from the ‘225’ at the Parliament and give priority to Provincial and local news  Programmes with emphasis on innovative Industrial and Socio –economic projects that will inspire and motivate the polity to contribute their might to the Country.

If there is a will, there is a way !

Bernard Fernando-

Former Deputy General Manager-BOC                      

Date: 31-01-2024

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