Presidential Election and Bankruptcy demand System changes to Political Admin. Structure (PAS) – By Bernard Fernando It is patently clear that over the last 75 years, the valuable votes of the voter majority who became gullible and helpless due to abject poverty, were virtually plundered  by power hungry political party leaders holding out hackneyed Election manifestoes replete with false and fairy tale promises and  their corrupt, mediocre political stooges, offering bribes in the form of ‘goodies’ and what -nots with ill-gotten money. Some others who were politically docile (Inter alia due to complexity and inherent defects of the Electoral system) either abstained from voting or got their votes rejected. (Valid Votes at 2020 Election were 71.32% of registered voters).This continuing debased political climate  allowed corrupt and mediocre Politicians to rule the roost in the Parliament for  long periods in history blocking the doors to capable ‘Country- first Political Professionals’ and ...

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Aren’t citizens entitled to propose and ensure enforcement of Electoral and Political ‘System Changes’? – By Bernard Fernando    Aren’t citizens entitled to propose and ensure enforcement of Electoral and Political ‘System Changes’? The writer was prompted to send this article having noted a National newspaper going  on record that nobody has so far come out specifically  with the much hyped ‘System changes’. As far back as in 2016 the writer as a senior citizen/sovereign voter was convinced  that our complex Electoral system has proved beyond  reasonable doubt that it has fundamentally  failed to  a)  maintain fairness and rationality  in  the allocation of seats to the National Parliament  b)  ensure selection of  suitable ‘Political Professionals‘ to represent the sovereign voters in keeping with the changing times and c) make the main stake holders viz. the simple voters understand the system and mark their vote judiciously. Accordingly, the writer prepared a ...

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Can we hold ‘Free and Fair Elections’ without ‘System Changes’? – By Bernard Fernando Recently, one of the rare ‘Country –first’ Political Professionals in the current Parliament had suggested to hold both Parliamentary and LG Elections on the same day. May be as an economist he wanted to make the budgetary provision of Rs.10 Bln. more meaningful, productive and cost-effective in the face of the dire human and Financial/economic catastrophe that the country is facing as a ‘Bankrupt Nation’. Further, it may to some extent, justify the estimated Rs.72Bln. earmarked to be spent by contesting political parties for Election campaigning  and also save millions of man hours when conducting a laborious country –wide, complex and unrefined Election process that we are saddled with, for the last several decades.  However, we as Sovereign voters  facing a dire human, financial and economic crisis exhort that it is more fundamental to make critical ...

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