Aren’t citizens entitled to propose and ensure enforcement of Electoral and Political ‘System Changes’? – By Bernard Fernando    Aren’t citizens entitled to propose and ensure enforcement of Electoral and Political ‘System Changes’? The writer was prompted to send this article having noted a National newspaper going  on record that nobody has so far come out specifically  with the much hyped ‘System changes’. As far back as in 2016 the writer as a senior citizen/sovereign voter was convinced  that our complex Electoral system has proved beyond  reasonable doubt that it has fundamentally  failed to  a)  maintain fairness and rationality  in  the allocation of seats to the National Parliament  b)  ensure selection of  suitable ‘Political Professionals‘ to represent the sovereign voters in keeping with the changing times and c) make the main stake holders viz. the simple voters understand the system and mark their vote judiciously. Accordingly, the writer prepared a ...

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