ADVERTISE WITH eLANKA A few months ago, a friend from Sydney “rang” me, and in the process of our conversation, asked me whether I was contributing to eLanka. Not being a computer-geek at the time,I told him that, when last I heard the name, it was Sri Lanka, which of course was Ceylon until 1972. He laughed and spelt the name e L a n k a, and I said to him “eLanka”, what the hell does the letter e” stand for? “He laughed again(which was a bit rude), & said, “Des, come off it!, we are in the computer-age now. We have left the bronze age, the ice-age, the iron age and also the stone-age behind. We are now totally in the electronic age & that is what the “e” is for. This was like going back to school again. Going back just a couple of years, I was’nt ...

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