“ALEXANDER’S ADVICE” – By Des Kelly Excellent advice especially for those who have to use the toilet (in a hurry), at night, for any reason whatsoever.  I cannot think of anyone more qualified to give us this advice, and I would like to thank Alexander on behalf of eLanka.  Desmond Kelly. (Editor-in-Chief)–eLanka. One-and-a-half-minute law- EXCELLENT INFO A friend sent this to me & thought I’d pass it on.  Very interesting & informative:   My name is Alexander, I am a cardiologist and a paramedic. A very important warning for those who wake up at night to go to the bathroom.. You must be careful and use the “One-and-a-Half-minute law” which is scientifically proven. By waking up suddenly for one’s physiological needs normally, we often hear that someone “was well in good health and died suddenly during the night without reason. “ The most likely reason is that when that person woke ...

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